Limewire is the world's fastest P2P file-sharing application which lets you search every computer files like movies,music,videos,wallpapers,softwares,games,etc.One reason that most of the users thinks that is it safe??Well,Limewire is not 100% secure and sometimes when you searches for a file,it shows wrong results that might contain malicious spywares.So i recommend you to use this product if you are a daily internet browser and updates your antivirus daily.Otherwise you could face little bit of virus problems.
- Easy to use,install it,then run and search
- Search by Artist,Title,Genre
- Multiple search tabbed interface
- Integrated Chat
- Added Bitzi metadata lookup
- Support for MAGNET links that allow you to click on webpage links that access Gnutella
- iTunes integration for MAC users
- Unique 'ultrapeer' technology reduces bandwidth requirement for most users

I use Both Limewire and Ares to download files...Thanks for the info!!